Marquess of Pleasant Valley
Agustín Moreno Beltrán-Cerrato and Ruiz of Castro
Born in Boy shop-assistant On July 21 of 1670/México
General captain of the Royal(real) Armies
It(he,she) had mines of silver in Mexico (Pachuca) and a great fortune.
Juan de Ariza Palomar
Born in Boy shop-assistant on December 11 of 1876./Habana
Journalist, poet and dramatic author. Founder and the director of " The Diary of the Sea-coast " in Cuba
Author of several works
Emilio Díaz Moreu
Born in Boy shop-assistant in the middle of 1800
Captain of the "Christopher Colón" in the Battle of Santiago (Cuba)
Francisco Javier of Burgos and Elm
Born in Boy shop-assistant On October 22 of 1778/Madrid
Great politician, historian, poet and journalist.
Jose García of León and Pizarro
Born in Boy shop-assistant in 1726/Madrid
Erroneously one believed that it had been Virrey of the Peru, but actually(indeed) he was A President of the Royal(real) Hearing of Quito (Ecuador)
Marquess of Casa
Ramon García of León and Pizarro
Born in Orán in 1729/Bolivia
Son, brother and grandson of motrileños.
It(he,she) founded the last city that the Spanish founded in America.
He was a president of the Hearing of It(he,she) Jumps (Argentina).
Jose García of León and Pizarro
Born in Madrid in 1770/Madrid
Important politician and The Minister.
Son of José García. His(its) mother, María of
You Fry(annoy), lady of the queen, it(he,she) was person in charge of dismantling Malaspina's conspiracy against Godoy, Prince of the Peace.

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